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Recover Right and Reap the Rewards

Know and follow the 4 R's for superior recovery, enhanced athletic performance, and better health


While there are a number of aspects involved in improving your athletic performance and overall health, I am 100% convinced that proper recovery is at the top of the list. As athletes, we sometimes focus so intently on our training and equipment that we forget about recovering properly, and that's a big mistake.

What we do in training is definitely important, no question about it, but if we neglect to consistently take the proper steps to recover properly, we will never get the full value out of the time and energy spent in training. Remember, the gains we make in our training occur during recovery, but only in the presence of adequate rest and optimal nutritional support. If we don't attend to that, we not only miss out on the benefits of our workouts, we can create more problems such as getting sick or injured.

Recovery after exercise is always important, but with the racing season now in high gear, it's absolutely critical. Adopt and follow these four R's consistently, and your body will reward you handsomely.

1) Replenish. As soon as possible after your workouts - ideally within the first 30 minutes - replenish your body with 30-60 grams of complex carbohydrates and 10-20 grams of whey protein isolate. Give your body this kind of support when it's most receptive to replenishment, and it will respond by:

  • Storing more minutes of the premium, ready-to-use fuel known as muscle glycogen
  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Kick starting" the rebuilding of muscle tissue

Recoverite provides your body with the ideal ratio of carbohydrates to protein, along with generous amounts of multi-beneficial glutamine (a whopping three grams per serving!), the potent antioxidant L-carnosine, and a full-spectrum electrolyte profile. The result is rapid and enhanced recovery, allowing you to obtain the maximum value from all of your workouts and ideally prepping your body for your next workout or event.

2) Rehydrate. Although water has no real nutrient value, it's essential for performance, recovery, and health. Nearly two-thirds of your body is comprised of water, so it's vitally important that you drink enough of it, not just during your workout, but throughout the day. In addition to what you consume during exercise, aim for 1/2 fluid ounce of liquid per pound of body weight per day, mainly from clean, pure water. After a hard training session, you could be a bit dehydrated, so take time now to get your hydration back on track. Keep in mind that the water you use to prepare your Recoverite counts toward your daily hydration goal; so if you choose to mix it with only a small amount of water (say, 4-8 ounces), be sure to follow up with additional water.

3) Resupply. After a tough workout or event your body is begging for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Premium Insurance Caps will resupply the vitamins and minerals (some antioxidants, too), and Hammer Nutrition's arsenal of potent antioxidant supplements - including Mito Caps, Super Antioxidant, and AO Booster - will supply wide-ranging protection against the damaging effects of free radicals.

4) Repair. When you regularly push your body hard in your workouts, it can take a toll on your muscles and joints. Without adequate rest and nutritional support, you may find yourself in that inhospitable place known as over-training syndrome, coupled with an increased potential for getting injured.

In addition to consistently following the above three steps, here are two more important things you can do to optimize muscle tissue reparation and support promote optimum cartilage, joint tissue, and ligament health:

  • Take Tissue Rejuvenator. To maintain strong joints and protect against injury, you need a consistent supply of nutrients that provide the "raw materials" needed to promote rapid tissue repair. Tissue Rejuvenator has them - and also helps reduce inflammation, soreness, and pain - without the potential undesirable side effects of NSAIDs.
  • Consume Hammer Whey prior to bed. Mix 1 scoop of Hammer Whey in 6-8 ounces of water and drink, then brush your teeth and go to bed. Simple! The body now has an excellent dose of amino acids, which it will use during a time (sleep) when it does many of its reparation/recuperative processes, and the 6 grams of glutamine will elevate serum human growth hormone (HGH) levels, which has anabolic (muscle building) effects. Whey protein is also the best protein source for alleviating muscle soreness, so you'll receive that benefit as well.

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